Coffee speeds up the metabolism of fats and facilitates their elimination when combined with a regular massage of the part to be treated
you need:
- 250 gr of unrefined sugar (preferably brown sugar)
- 100 grams of sweet almond oil (avocado or grape pits are good too)
- 3 coffee grounds

Put the sugar and coffee in a container and beat with the whisk for about two minutes. When the two ingredients are amalgamated add the oil and beat it all for another two minutes.

Use: massage the thighs and/or the affected parts with a circular motion and then from the bottom to the top.
leave on for a couple of minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. to improve blood circulation, take hot and cold showers (pay attention to the temperature !!! do not burn) from the ankles to the top.
conservation: The unused scrub is kept in an airtight container for 60 days.
Do not do more than twice a week

See you next time with another nice peeling DIY formulation! Now enjoy the sweet cuddles of coffee on your skin.
For the care of your face skin give a look here!
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